Manufacturing the future
Manufacturing high quality components faster than anyone else!

High End Capabilities
We love technology and manufacturing, which is why we choose the latest and greatest machining centers, as well as keeping our factory clean, organized and tidy.

Many people think expensive machines means high prices.
However because we run high quality machines 80 hours per week instead of 40 this halves our overheads therefore halving the quote.

We are working towards ISO9001 to ensure we stay competitive and move to higher industry sectors.

To stay competitive as a new company we run machines fast.
To ensure tight deadlines are met, our machines run at least 120 hours per week. The machines are also run at the manufacturers recommended speeds to ensure no time is wasted.

Always ready for challenges
At Izen Engineering we do whatever it takes to get your parts made, no matter how challenging.

We focus on the fine details and have an obsession for perfection

Capable of machining a wide range of materials

You need a reliable partner who will deliver every time, on time.

Without ever sacrificing on quality
Our Edge
Unlike most machine shops, we also have the capability and talent to design and manufacture our own CNC machines.
This sets us apart from anyone else, as we can apply our first principles physics thinking to a machine shop and the results are higher quality, lower cost and lower lead times for customers.

Swift Machining Center.
The SVM 4100 is a fast VMC designed to reduce non cutting times by increasing axis and spindle accelerations.

Large machining area
We can manufacture parts up to 770x410x520mm 600kg.

Don't just let us advertise our capabilities, DN Solutions have done it for us.

Small company with powerful potential
Izen engineering is a family run business founded in a garage and recently expanded to an industrial facility.
We could have purchased old used machines but they didn't satisfy our needs so we invested in a State-of-the-Art DN Solutions machining center.
We are one of the few companies in the area with true high end machining technology.